Central Falls - Understanding the Root Causes of Inequity
As part of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation (NMEF) Understanding Root Causes of Inequities fund, the Central Falls School District (CFSD) was awarded a grant, along with five other districts across New England, to: 1) analyze barriers to equitably preparing all students to graduate college and career ready, and 2) identify student-centered practices and other appropriate interventions that will address the identified equity barriers.
CFSD, in partnership with CYCLE and Diversity Talks, embarked on a student, parent, and community driven process to deepen the district and community’s collective understanding of the barriers to equity facing CF schools. In particular, the project was designed to grow into a sustainable collaboration between CFSD, students, parents, and community.
CYCLE played three key roles for the project. First, CYCLE partnered with CFSD to identify and train parent and community leaders and support them to engage fellow community members in conversations about the root causes of inequity and barriers to success for students and parents. CYCLE is also interviewed key district partners and stakeholders about their unique perspectives on the opportunities and challenges to achieving equity in CF schools. Finally, CYCLE was responsible for supporting the documentation of learning throughout the year.